Cranberry Chocolate Chip Paleo Ice CreamGot your Attention?

Well, that post title should have got your attention. Paleo Porn indeed.

In a Previous Life

A long time ago (20+ years ago) in a land far far away (my native Victoria, B.C., Canada) I was training to be a chef.  I have many stories I could tell you about those times but not right now. That lasted a couple years before I returned to complete my B.Sc. (Honours) in Computer Science at UVic and the rest as they say is history.

What I did gain from that experience was an appreciation for good food and a love for preparing food and sharing it with others.

Early New Years Resolution

It is not yet 2014 but one change I do want to make next year is to prepare good food more often to share with family and friends. I’ve been reading more cookbooks (like Everyday Paleo by Sarah Fragoso) and blogs on food and health but one of my favourite sites has always been Food Porn Daily.  My switch to a paleo diet about 18 months ago forces me to innovate from these recipes but I just had a new find “Paleo Porn” by Marla Sarris.

Recipe Choice Today

So, I clicked “Random Recipe” button and found this beauty: Cranberry Paleo Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.  I really need to get some equipment for making ice cream at home!

What are you Cooking?

Let me know what you are preparing this week.


5 thoughts on “Paleo Porn

  1. I am going to make our Christmas pudding this weekend. Then I will organise a birthday feast for our twin soon-to-be 15 year old boys. I know that Nigella’s mini sausages in a sesame/soy glaze will be on that list.
    dinner tonight, chicken souvlakias with homemade tsatziki, nom, nom.

    1. Thanks Jane. Check out that Nom Nom Paleo link, they have a cookbook that is pre-order right now just in time for the holidays. I’ll build that link for you. This is linked to my Amazon affiliate account which apparently would give me a kickback although I just hooked that up yesterday and am not sure if this works yet:

  2. We have been Paleo for 9 months and will never go back. My favorite books and sites are (the book is Practial Paleo) and (Against all Grain book and It is such a fun adventure. My kids love that they are eating almond flour pancakes. =)

    1. Thanks Andrea! I love Diane’s work and bought her book on release day! Sarah Fragoso’s books as well and I have Michelle’s Nom Nom Paleo on pre-order.

      Keep up the pinning on Pinterest! My pinterest and other social media contacts are visible in the top site bar.


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