Entry 041 for Sunday May 24, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Pretty relaxed with online mass with the family, some cleaning and a little bit of work creating videos and grading.
- What did you enjoy? Relax mode and making some pizzas. That crust I made on Friday with a different recipe was not great, I want back to my standard crust and it was much better.
- What did you find difficult? Finding energy. I was still exhausted after that killer day Friday. I cleaned out my inbox and came across an email from one of my new students, her dad had just died and I didn’t see the email until today. I felt horrible and sent her an email to check how she is doing and if there is anything I can do to help.
- What has changed? Loss has been a frequent topic and I don’t think that is changing anytime soon.