Entry 006
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Mostly a relaxing day. Morning mass via a live stream. Cleaning up the pantry. The fridge reorganized and cleaned and taking stock of supplies as Aurelia was heading out to do the shopping. I had a bunch of systems administration work to catch up on, and a good chunk of time tackling a puzzle. I like working on puzzles, it gives me a task to work on that lets my mind wander and take inventory on how truly lucky I am.
- What did you enjoy? A nice breakfast together. Meals together as a family is always nice.
- What did you find difficult? Worrying about family and friends. Some that I know are feeling the strain.
- What has changed? I haven’t worked on a puzzle for over a year. It appears that my free time is available to fill with some relaxing activities. No guitar today, I gave my fingers a break.