Entry 176 for Tuesday October 6, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Morning meeting with graduated student Miguel asking for advice about graduate studies; #TC1028 group 92; #educoffee with Miguel; break from #TC3045 class; meeting with #PrepaTec director Richard; meeting with #TC1028 student Viri; video test with #UniversidadPanamericana Guatemala.
- What did you enjoy? Great talks with Miguel and Viri.
- What did you find difficult? I scheduled a break day for #TC3045. I feel guilty in some ways but I know we are all working hard and learning. I tell other teachers to cut back on synchronous hours with students to push more asynchronous but then I have a hard time following my own advice.
- What has changed? This video/audio test for the talk on Wednesday is for a session that they caught me at the right time. I have been burnt out about giving talks these past 6 months but the really polite request had me ready to give the talk. I also can mark down Guatemala as another country that I have given a talk in. :)
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Video Released Today
No video today. Next week is the plan to start up #TechEduTips again.