Entry 152 for Saturday September 13, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Caught up on blog posts, rest, cooking, cleaning
- What did you enjoy? Just getting some rest and sleeping in. Having a nap.
- What did you find difficult? Nothing difficult really, this was a good day.
- What has changed? With the bathroom remodeling, the dust is constant.
And then, the stretch questions:
- What are you grateful for? Having each other, having friends and being safe. All my family and friends are safe as well.
- Which changes do you want to keep? Not working on weekends is keeping me well.
- What are you scared of? A big crunch of work as the semester rolls on. We finished the first period of the semester, the second one is busier.
- What has stayed the same? My weight has stayed pretty much constant. I would like to lose some fat and gain some muscle but staying in the same shape is enough for now.
- When did you last laugh? Good question. I don’t know.
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