
Entry 097 for Sunday July 19, 2020

The core questions:

Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.

  1. What did you do today? Cooked a sirloin tip (picaña in Spanish); built out infrastructure for the upcoming #OpenFlip MOOC; connected with two #TC1028 students to apply their exams that they missed on Tuesday; house cleaning; finished up the audio book “Mr. Hockey: My Story” by Gordie Howe.
  2. What did you enjoy? I really did like the narration and the story as told by Gordie Howe. I have a large backlog of audio books and digital books to catch up on so I am trying to cut down on my podcast feed to include more reading in audio/ebook/physical formats.
  3. What did you find difficult? I struggled with finding a good mailing list setup for #OpenFlip. The main MailChimp interface is confusing and too focused on analytics and marketing campaigns. I just need a simple way for people to register and receive information from me. TinyLetter (by MailChimp) to the rescue.
  4. What has changed? I have been announcing the “next version” of OpenFlip since 2017. It is finally happening and in both English and Spanish groups.

Featured Image Credit

Sketch note from Giulia Forsythe about a paper "Using Collaborative Course Development to Achieve Online Course Quality Standards"
“7 Measures of Quality in Online Learning” flickr photo by giulia.forsythe shared into the public domain using (CC0)

Video Released Today

I meant to record the #OpenFlip intro videos today but they wait for another day.



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