Entry 034 for Sunday May 17, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Relax mode mostly; online mass; cleanup outside with some yardwork; fridge cleanup/cleanout; reinstall workstation for Win10/Kubuntu dual-boot.
- What did you enjoy? Getting my Linux back. I am much more productive in this environment, mostly as this is my more comfortable environment and can use my toolset easier.
- What did you find difficult? Someone left the fridge door open again and this creates a situation where ice builds up in the walls between freezer and fridge and then the fridge does not run properly. So we need to get some coolers and ice blocks ready to move food into and thaw it overnight. That is a job for Monday night.
- What has changed? I miss going out and seeing people. Miss smiles and hugs as stated in this thread started by my friend Kin Lane.
I miss seeing smiles.
— Kin Lane (@kinlane) May 17, 2020
That’s a 2019 smile and even with all that is about 2020, Cori brings out my big smiles. Salut!
She is definitely a smiler. I was doing a Flickr search with “Smiles” and found some great ones!