
Entry 030 for Wednesday May 13, 2020

The core questions:

Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.

  1. What did you do today? Our middle child Andy turned 15 today; a nice day of #educoffee with Phil joining in the morning and then Joy and a student Jorge in the afternoon; planning meeting for #TI4022; large national meeting for the School of Engineering and Science and a computer science department meeting. I also found time (and courage) to look at my teaching evaluations which were released for my course that ended in the second period last week. I also spent a big chunk of time trying to get an “easy mode” setup for C++ development for my students in order to record a video tutorial for that.
  2. What did you enjoy? Smiling faces in #educoffee including our first student joining (Jorge). It was nice to get a student #covid19 perspective. I also am happy to say that the comments from my student evaluations are truly inspiring. I’ll need to make another #TeachingEvaluation post with that information. The last one I did was years ago and you can find that at Teaching Evaluation Comments: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
  3. What did you find difficult? Too many Zoom sessions. I like the one-to-one (mainly with students or colleagues making appointments) sessions but the large meetings are draining.
  4. What has changed? Just in the past year it seems like our Andy switched from being a child to a young adult. His voice changed, he is growing quickly and his demeanour has passed into that teenage zone. Each of our children grow up unique and these birthdays are the perfect opportunity to look back as well as look forward.

Featured Image Credit

A hand holding up a book with the title "15 Stories"
“Fifteen Stories” flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using (CC0)



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