Last summer I decided to take my first steps towards flipping my classroom. After one year of exploring this on my own I have decided to share my experiences with my colleagues at the Tec de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara.  If you are faculty or staff, the course will be on Thursday September 5th from 3pm to 6pm.

If you are wondering what this is all about, I leave you here with a few links to get started. This is by no means an exhaustive list but meant to kick start your journey.  I would be happy to receive suggestions here in the comments.

For those wanting a book to start with, I recommend  Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day” by Bergmann and Sams. This is a quick read and I have a copy in my office if you are on campus and would like to borrow it.

If you wish to learn through interviews in a podcast format, check out The Flipped Learning Podcast which is hosted by Troy Cockrum. I have listened to all the episodes and find them very informative despite the focus more on the K-12 levels.

There are many videos to get you started, here are a couple more to add to the one at the head of this post:

I hope to learn from what others are doing and look forward to sharing what little I have learned so far about flipping, please share here in the comments.

Thanks to Yolanda Cham for the link of the title video (Video was shared but no longer available so link removed).

1 thought on “Flipping the Classroom

  1. Thank you for the comment Yolanda. I think the deeper answer is that we need to create incentive for working before (and after) the classroom sessions. The simple incentive is regular quizzes, another incentive could be peer teaching activities.

    There are many more but I really think the key here (as always in teaching) is to get the students (and the teacher!) excited about learning and involved in the process.

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