Wellness Day

Entry 560 for Monday October 25, 2021

The core questions:

Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.

  1. What did you do today? Cleanup of feedback of my four groups; partial day off for wellness day.
  2. What did you enjoy? I needed some rest after an intense week last week, good to get some time off.
  3. What did you find difficult? Despite being declared wellness day for students and staff, it was pretty much not an option to take the day fully off. I wanted to check for missing work of students to give them a chance to get that all in before my hard deadline.
  4. What has changed? I expected Tuesday to be the deadline for submitting grades but was pleasantly surprised that Thursday is the deadline.

Featured Image Credit

Close up of a orange and white kitten on a blue pillow in bright light and a shallow depth of field on the camera.
“Sleepy time” flickr photo by Alexandra Guerson https://flickr.com/photos/guerson/5642852589 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license

Today’s Reading/Listening


Video Release

Lorem ipsum


3 thoughts on “Journaling during Covid-19 – Entry 560

  1. Ken, tu diario pandémico es invaluable🤓creo que tendrás que convertirlo en un libro para todos los que hemos “sufrido “ las mismas experiencias durante este periodo extraño que nos cambio la perspectiva como maestros y cómo humanos.

  2. Lo entiendo, pero piénsalo, nos puede ser muy útil a todos los profes. Y si lo combinas con lo que aprendiste de tus edu coffies, todavía nos puedes dar mas valor a los que sufrimos la educación “ en tiempos de cólera “🤓😉🤓

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