Good Meetings
Entry 569 for Wednesday November 3, 2021
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Academic buddy for a block course in Puebla; academic day; EIC region meeting to introduce new division director Armando; technical team meeting for the Flipped Learning Network board; watched the #Oilers beat the #Predators.
- What did you enjoy? It was nice to meet a new colleague Apurv during my buddy time with his class in the morning. Turns out he was a post-doc together with Mahdi in Monterrey.
- What did you find difficult? The push to get everyone “back to normal” on campus seems real. This is stressful. I also received confirmation from the consulate that my assumption about travel into and out of Canada would be problematic for me.
- What has changed? I have a student in my new group with the last name (via his mother) of Bauer. First time ever.
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Today’s Reading/Listening
Podcasts and some more of “Open Veins of Latin America”.
Video Release