Entry 542 for Thursday October 7, 2021
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Morning session on campus with my #TC2007B group; physiotherapy with Fausto; course planning; afternoon session from home with #TC2007B; student meeting with Orlando from #TC1028; to campus to pick up Andy; watched the preseason game of Canucks versus Oilers.
- What did you enjoy? Fausto had me doing more movement exercises including marching (hence the dancing title) with arms swinging opposite to legs. I was struggling to coordinate.
- What did you find difficult? Scheduling. I was late for my morning class due to leaving the house early. When picking up Andy at school I was left waiting for 30 minutes. I like schedules and get thrown off when they are not met.
- What has changed? It seems like the therapy is going into the long game.
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Today’s Reading/Listening
Mostly podcasts
Video Release