Long Day
Entry 534 for Wednesday September 29, 2021
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Online sessions for both #TC2007B groups; meeting with #TC2007B student Carlos; student service meeting with Jackie; chat with former student Alberto about entrepreneurship; online course “Respeto por los demás”; coffee with Miguel; Novus project meeting; meeting with #TC2007B student Rafael about an outside project he wants to do; meeting with MCY candidate Iván; watched some of the #Oilers versus #Jets preseason game.
- What did you enjoy? Good sessions for #TC2007B today and a nice Novus project meeting.
- What did you find difficult? I was running out of energy and while trying to multi-task I dropped the connection to my course. I was in such need of a rest that I just stayed offline for the second half of the class.
- What has changed? I missed many of our Novus project meetings so it was nice to make this one.
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Today’s Reading/Listening
More “Open Veins of Latin America”.
Video Release
No video today.
A mi también me encanta escucharnos a todos nosotros en el proyecto de Novus, estoy aprendiendo a ser mejor profesora, al menos a cuestionármelo.
Saludos Mariana y gracias por escribir aquí.