Office Move
Entry 482 for Sunday August 8, 2021
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? To mass with family; preparing courses for Monday (TC2007B) and Tuesday (TC1028); moving my computer back down to my office.
- What did you enjoy? I have more mobility to get around and am looking forward to working at my computer desk again. This is my standing desk but Aurelia bought a high chair which will allow me to sit at this high desk.
- What did you find difficult? My leg is swelling up with the moving around which is uncomfortable. It is fine but I need to take care to rest it every hour or so while working.
- What has changed? Back to my regular office setup.
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Today’s Reading/Listening
Not much reading today.
Video Release
No video released today.