
Entry 467 for Saturday July 24, 2021

The core questions:

Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.

  1. What did you do today? Mostly relaxing today and some systems admin cleanup; setup Eastside Hockey Manager for the first time in years and recorded a quick video of that; stayed up much too late waiting for folks to make it home before I fell asleep.
  2. What did you enjoy? The EHM Simulation game is currently being updated and is in 1.5 beta. This edition is almost six years old now and has a strong community. I was a big fan of the 2005 release but they left it behind for about eight years after low sales and too much piracy of their 2007 follow-up release.
  3. What did you find difficult? I miss my schedule of waking up early and going to be earlier. Staying up for others and having my bedroom being my all-day-room has definitely changed my schedule.
  4. What has changed? We are going into the last week of the month and the semester is just around the corner.

Featured Image Credit

Screenshot from Eastside Hockey Manager 1.5. Manager's "Front Office" main page with a picture of Ryan Nugent-Hopkins visible.
“EHM 1.5 Front Office” flickr photo by kenbauer shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

Today’s Reading/Listening

Not much on the reading list today; mostly news, podcasts and some music.

Video Released



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