
Entry 462 for Monday July 19, 2021

The core questions:

Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.

  1. What did you do today? Rest; met with Mario about upcoming #TC2007B groups; dropped in on the #TC4021 Digital Forensics class.
  2. What did you enjoy? I got some needed rest today, the cast is a little loose and I’ll see the doctor this week to get a new fiberglass cast.
  3. What did you find difficult? I just found out today that both my groups are planned as hybrid (HPDA and HPRS) which would mean all classes in person for faculty with alternating in the morning group and hybrid in the afternoon group. This will be challenging.
  4. What has changed? Andy started a job as a waiter this week.

Featured Image Credit

Wordcloud focused on Forensic.
“Forensic” flickr photo by shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Today’s Reading/Listening

A couple of audio chapters of “The Well of Eternity” and a chapter of “Freakonomics”.


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