Entry 380 for Wednesday April 28, 2021
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Up early to have a good breakfast and wait for my ride; vaccinated at the mass vaccination center here in Guadalajara; course prep work; #educoffee with Miguel; recorded a quick video about use of MS Teams for classes; across town for a therapy appointment; some systems admin tasks in the early evening.
- What did you enjoy? The process at the vaccination center was very organized and professional. The line around the blocks before they let us in were a little crazy and with people not respecting distance but once in the center everything ran smoothly. I asked for permission to take the pictures while getting my shot.
- What did you find difficult? I felt fine during the day time but about 10pm I developed lots of muscle aching and chills. This was expected but I didn’t get much sleep in the evening.
- What has changed? A friend asked if I felt relief being vaccinated. I think this is one step in the process and not an end. We still have a long way to go and there are many unknowns ahead of us.
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Todayβs Reading/Listening
Not a lot of time for reading today with all the activity.
Video Released Today
I’m glad to see you got your own jab photo rather than reusing someone else’s! And I hope the weird side effects are minimal. I miss ya, and look! here is real comment, not just measly like on twitter ;-)