Long Day
Entry 308 for Monday February 15, 2021
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? An extremely busy day with 6 hours of classes; recorded and released a #TechEduTips video about adding additional hosts for a Zoom session (in Spanish); #TC2005B morning session; #TC3045 with activities using Hyposthes.is and Google slides centered on the classic “No Silver Bullet” paper; afternoon #educoffee with Pablo M. and Jorge P.; meeting about the Tec #CyberHUB with Paty and Jaime from Kaspersky; evening #TC2005B class; caught the end of the #Oilers vs Jets game (we lost in 6-5 barn burner) and a stew dinner was a great made by Aurelia.
- What did you enjoy? The activities for #TC2005B went really well. I think this was the best activity around Hypothes.is that I have managed.
- What did you find difficult? That long day was draining.
- What has changed? Into week two of the semester and just adjusting to the rhythm.
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Today’s Reading/Listening
Too busy really to get much reading in today.
Video Released Today