Summer School
Entry 077 for Monday June 29, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Recorded a bunch of video for #LinuxTips to last the week; recorded and released a #TechEduTips video about Firefox containers; first day of summer school class for #TC1028; meeting with colleagues teaching other #TC1028 groups; mulling over creating that CIIE entry about #educoffee. Note, no #educoffee this day.
- What did you enjoy? A very nice meeting talking with colleagues Fabiola and María Luisa (Manuel has a class at our meet time) discussing implementing #TC1028. Fabiola has taught it twice before as have I while María Luisa and Manuel are teaching this course for the first time.
- What did you find difficult? I don’t teach summer sessions. For me, these are the times to recharge and reload for the fall. The last time I taught summer session was in 2007 (Video Game plugin course) and that was while pursuing my Ph.D. at the University of Alberta and I came down to Guadalajara to collect data from student projects for my thesis. The time before that was 2004 (Software Engineering, see image) when I took some students up to Seattle. I was only coordinating the trip so not really teaching; the teaching was led by Bjorn Freeman-Benson and David Socha. Before that was 2000 (double topic on Extreme Programming) and the only other summer was 1996 (Compiler Construction II). I love my students, great group. But I am getting exhausted.
- What has changed? Reality setting in that I won’t have any vacations until late December. I am grinding down but trying to keep energized by keeping busy.
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