Entry 071 for Tuesday June 23, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Met with Francisco to discuss the “Cripto-Códigos” talk that I will give on Wednesday for the public, targeted at high school students; recorded and released a new #LinuxTips about multi-monitor config for Kubuntu; rebuilt my dual-boot setup of Win10/Kubuntu; #educoffee with a regular and good friend Joe; the #TecForever event (embedded below as well) happened which was our digital graduation ceremony nationwide and included a guest address by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
- What did you enjoy? I keep saying #educoffee has been keeping me going these months but in many ways it is true. My good friend Joe often joins me. Sometimes just the two of us, sometimes more. Each coffee is different but valuable.
- What did you find difficult? Not difficult but I spend Monday night getting Windows 10 setup so I would be ready for my morning meeting. I didn’t notice that the m.2 card was setup improperly (MBR instead of GPT) and the EFI partition was not right creating hassles for dual boot. So reinstall Win10, then Kubuntu. My main files all in the right place as usual on my raid setup, so no real big time lost. Win10 and Linux installs are actually very fast these days with install from USB stick onto fast drives.
- What has changed? The photo for this post is from December 2016 when Alan Levine spent Christmas with my family after a great #AgoraUDG session together. Today’s graduation was quite different indeed. See the video below.
Featured Image Credit
Video Released Today
TEC Forever
Not my video, but this happened today