Entry 049 for Monday June 1, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? So much. CC certificate course week 1 meeting; student meetings with Pablo, Alex, Adriana, Iván, Ricardo, Pedro, Diego, Braulio, Kevin, Alejandra, Adrián, Rogelio, y Miguel; morning #educoffee with Gerardo and Cam; released a #TechEduTips video “Poder, Privilegio, Responsabilidad” (embed below); a lot of feedback for students.
- What did you enjoy? The meetings with students. All of them were great.
- What did you find difficult? It feels trivial to work on other things when one looks what is going with Black Lives Matter in the USA and elsewhere.
- What has changed? I had a long and productive day and did not run out of energy. Perhaps barely taking a break did this. Other days I break about 1pm for an hour or more and then having a difficult time getting back in a rhythm.
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