
Entry 047 for Saturday May 30, 2020

The core questions:

Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.

  1. What did you do today? A 10am student meeting with Luis (#TC1033) which was actually more about his #TC1030 with another professor. I happen to also be teaching a section of that class; some laundry, some dishes, some cooking and cleaning, some feedback for my students on assignments; mostly rest.
  2. What did you enjoy? The rest including naps and finishing up a “first season in the NHL” with my NHL 20 “Be a Pro” on the PS4. I am often a completionist, and rather than “start in the WHL” in draft year, I started in draft minus one. So two years in the WHL and a memorial cup led to my being drafted at the end of the 1st round (31st overall) by the Columbus Blue Jackets. So this is the end of the 1st NHL season on my journey to get traded to the #Oilers and play on McDavid’s left wing.
  3. What did you find difficult? As mentioned yesterday, today would have been the party for my daughter’s high school graduation. #covid19 sucks
  4. What has changed? This came up in discussion with colleagues during #educoffee: I have “more time” as I don’t have the dead time in traffic from one place to another. I rarely leave the house and even more rare outside of walking range of my house.

Featured Image Credit

A PS4 screenshot of NHL20, celebration after scoring a goal.
“NHL20 First NHL Goal” flickr photo by kenbauer shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

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