Entry 038 for Thursday May 21, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Recording and releasing videos for new video series #LinuxTips; preparing to record a different set of videos “Programando en C++” directed mainly at my #TC1030 and #TC1033 students but perhaps useful for others; editing another video for Friday release on the #TechEduTips video list on using Openshot and OBS for video production; all of those videos are in Spanish; I joined a regional meeting (Rectoría Zona Occidente – RZO) of the School of Engineering and Science(EIC) presenting our work to the national dean of EIC; light class with my #TI2011 group.
- What did you enjoy? I really enjoyed the process of working on video production again. There is much that I need to learn but I find the process energizing and I hope the videos are useful for others.
- What did you find difficult? The “playback” of our video of that I produced with the help of my colleagues of RZO_EIC failed again somehow. Not sure where the jinx is. We have had many hits and requests for the video file from CEDDIES (Monterrey, Leon and I think another) so somehow it riffed with people and the dean commented that he would like to see how I created the video. Good timing with my creating the Openshot/OBS video but I should produce more. I guess this paragraph was mixed good and bad.
- What has changed? I decided that I need to get back to my earlier schedule. My normal schedule of waking up at 5am has slid to closer to 8am and obviously related to going to bed later (close to midnight). Today I went to bed around 9:30pm to see if I can get back to that more productive schedule that matches my rhythm.