Entry 021 for Monday May 04, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Edit the final version, now at 3 minutes and 59 seconds which meets our four minute target for PED (Profesor Experto Digital) recording for Wednesday’s presentation. Office hours with César and I hope that was helpful. Another office hour with Alex (#TI2011). This was the first day that nobody appeared for #educoffee at either session. Meeting with Roberto about #TI4022, advanced on getting Canvas ready for that course and finished grading all of #TC1028.
- What did you enjoy? Editing videos and getting that ready for release. I really enjoyed my conversation with Alex, I believe we both came to some thoughts on how to stay busy and moving forward on projects.
- What did you find difficult? My meeting with César. I hope that my words helped but sometimes it is hard to tell if they do.
- What has changed? I was out of bed by 6:30am this morning which is progress towards my 5am goal. I want to get back to that schedule.