Flipping and Flopping
Entry 087 for Thursday July 9, 2020
The core questions:
Credit goes to Ben and readers of his blog for these “Four Questions” and the five stretch questions.
- What did you do today? Installed reveal.js on my system; prepared my slides (using reveal.js) for my 4 instances of “Flipped Classroom in an Online Context” (and I just noticed a typo in the slide title, leaving it there); recorded and released a #LinuxTips video about the open source presentation tool reveal.js; a nice #educoffee with Pablo and Viviana with some results (see notes for that day); gave a nice interactive session with a multi-campus group of educators for #RNP2020 for this talk; quick lunch break (beef with stir fry vegetables); #TC1028 class which ends week two of five; another instance of the #rnp2020flip webinar especially for ESCG; meeting with my student Alex about his curriculum vitae and possibly looking for iOS work.
- What did you enjoy? I had a good energy and the first group was much more active for the flipped talk. Both editions of the talk had colleagues who I know and miss. It was nice to see their faces and hear their voices.
- What did you find difficult? This was a long and busy day. I made it through but actually felt like I was ready to faint at the end of my #TC1028 class. I need to take care of proper eating and sleeping. I pretty much crashed early this evening, I shut down the computer and flopped on the bed at 8pm and probably was sleeping about 9pm.
- What has changed? Switching back to reveal.js for my slides was nice. I like to do self hosting of my stuff and should be doing it more.
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