feature image is creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by chuckoutrearseats:

My Classroom

I am a transplanted Canadian that has been living and teaching in Zapopan, Jalisco, México for most of the past twenty years at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara.

I have always focused on giving my students broad learning around the content of the course in question as well as pushing them to be active and visible in their academic and social pursuits.

Flipped Learning

Three years ago I was introduce to Flipped Classroom and jumped on that bandwagon not so much to change my classroom but because I felt that this “way of teaching” validated how I already ran my  classrooms. The most important part of Flipped Learning for me is the community of educators that I follow and how we can help each other become better at our craft of guiding our students on their learning journeys.

creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by chuckoutrearseats: http://flickr.com/photos/48625620@N00/4898356318
creative commons licensed (BY-SA) flickr photo by chuckoutrearseats: http://flickr.com/photos/48625620@N00/4898356318

Lately I’ve been leading colleagues in their discovery of Flipped Learning as one of many tools in their educator toolbox.

I’m currently offering a course on Flipped Learning in a connected courses format. In the past (and future) I gave courses on blogging with WordPress, tools for formative assessment, tools for writing research (LaTeX, bibliography management), software development and collaboration.

Connected Courses

Click on image for source.
Click on image for source.

This leads me to my finding of the connected courses community.  As usual I latched onto the ideas of others since I have no problem standing on the shoulders of giants. So my courses have been moved to a connected course  system.  I happen to be a practicing systems administrator (LAMP in general) so I let to get “under the hood” and control the environment my way.

Why I am Here?

I love expanding my circle of friends and colleagues and especially with those working in domains that I don’t encounter everyday. I hope to share my ideas as well as gain from the ideas of others.  Currently I am looking to push my research forward in the area of education (I am a Computer Scientist formally) and am struggling at how to get that area of research kicked off.



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