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Trying to Focus

We are getting into the heart of our semester here at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara and the students are writing their “first partial” exams this week and next. I mentioned on Facebook that my writing dropped off while trying to kick off two of my main projects for this year.

Academic Servers

For years I ran our local Linux server on campus which provided services to faculty and staff (going back to 1999). We’ve been working on formalizing our setup of new servers for research and academic projects and thanks to many people (Gildardo, Fernando, Edgar and others) the hardware is in place. The systems are setup and I can start helping people use the services we will provider there. Check-box on that item.

Flipped Classroom

My personal project of promoting the use of Flipped Classroom on our campus, in our system and further abroad has become at least one project officially.

We have a group of about 20 professors here on campus working on documenting their progress as well as helping others to implement this style of learning.

Additionally I am preparing a hybrid flipped professional development course to help teachers across our zone of campuses and across our system apply this. Stay tuned.

More Projects?

I have some other projects on my list, both personal and professional. They will come more to the front as I get these two running smoothly.

Your Turn?

What is your focus over the next few months?


2 thoughts on “Focus on the Goal

  1. Excellent topic Ken, focus is one of my key works in this year. Getting through different activities are getting harder in my case with 3 different areas (health, academic and job… GYM, Thesis and IBM) as you mentioned, the key to be there is to get in balance of all the areas.

    Probably I can met you again on next week, have some news to share with you on my topic =)

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